walkthrough riaf – a Repository Infrastructure that Accommodates Files


This is a walkthrough of the basic features of riaf using a temporary development setup on riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de. So, if you want to try/use riaf replace the server name accordingly. Or, riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de is just a placeholder we use here.

All steps can be handled as a self service.

Using the web interface you get a limited number of features.

creating a repository to store data

To create a repository to store data you need a group to organize access. Using this group, you can create a repository.

create a group

Using our web interface for gitolite you can create a group. Go to create group and fill out the web form.

You have to set which users are owners, writers and/or readers.

This maps to 3 authorization groups. The owner group is allowed to create, read and write repositories in this group. The reader group is allowed to read repositories in the group. And the writer group is allowed to read and write repositories in the group.

The initiator of the group creation will always be an owner.

create a repository

Using our web interface for gitolite you can create a repository. Go to create repository and fill out the web form, e. g. for creating a repository bar in the group foo:



project directory


repository name


Now you can clone the repository (possible commands are displayed after creating the repository), e. g.:

git clone git+ssh://git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/foo/bar

accessing data

To access the data you can use git with the supported protocols ssh and https.

For using ssh you need to store your public ssh key using the web form manage ssh keys with sskm, e. g. (the ssh key is shortened for readability):



name (e. g. “@computer”)


public key (e. g. content of id_ed25519.pub)

ssh-ed25519 AA..w mohr@myone

Of course instead of @my_new_key_to_access_riaf using a name like @myone makes much more sense! ;-)

Further – as requested on the page after adding your key – you have to verify this key as described in changing keys – self service key management, e. g.:

ssh -i .ssh/newkey git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de sskm confirm-add @my_new_key_to_access_riaf

You can find the repositories you have access to on the website gitolite command (info), by using the command ssh git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de or by getting the output from riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/git/.

using git

Using git you can access the repository, e. g. cloning the repository bar in the group foo:

git clone git+ssh://git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/foo/bar

using dav

You can access the repositories read-only by WebDAV at riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/dav/ (e. g. using your favorite browser).

On Linux systems you can use gvfs. For example using the GUI Thunar (or other file mangers) go to davs://riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/dav/ to do so. Of course you can access this mountpoint created for you by the GUI on the command line.

On Linux systems you can also use the fuse filesystem davfs2. But you have to adapt /etc/fstab for this.

Using windows you can mount it as well, e. g. using the Explorer go to \\riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de@SSL\dav\ and browse the data.

In this way your scripts can access the data like a local file.

server timestamping

If you push data to the server, the server will do a gpg signed timestamping. So this cryptographic signature represents the time the data reaches the server and later changes of the history are not possible without the private gpg key owned by the server and stored on the server. This timestamping is stored in the branch server_timestamping.

The following example shows the gpg signed timestamping done on the server:

 $ # get repository from server:
 $ git clone git+ssh://git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/foo/bar
 $ cd bar  # change directory to the repository
 $ echo a > a  # create a file 'a' with the content "a"
 $ git add a  # add file 'a' to the git repository
 $ git commit -m a  # commit with the message "a"
 [master (root-commit) ee2985f] a
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
  create mode 100644 a
 $ git push  # push data to the server
 Counting objects: 3, done.
 Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 204 bytes | 204.00 KiB/s, done.
 Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
 To git+ssh://git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/foo/bar
  * [new branch]      master -> master
 $ git branch --list --all  # list all known branches
 * master
 $ git pull  # get/update data from the server
 remote: Enumerating objects: 1, done.
 remote: Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.
 remote: Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
 Unpacking objects: 100% (1/1), done.
 From git+ssh://git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/foo/bar
 * [new branch]      server_timestamping -> origin/server_timestamping
 Already up to date.
 $ git branch --list --all  # list all known branches
 * master
 $ git checkout server_timestamping  # switch to branch 'server_timestamping'
 Branch 'server_timestamping' set up to track remote branch 'server_timestamping' from 'origin'.
 Switched to a new branch 'server_timestamping'
 $ git log --show-signature  # show log with signatures
 commit dc856b8c84678b9e77c20d445b3f1e3b811e6253 (HEAD -> server_timestamping, origin/server_timestamping)
 gpg: Signature made Di 28 Jun 2022 16:53:20 CEST
 gpg:                using EDDSA key 033F2AAC7FE48B302A88DB0ACE5CF8462F016A34
 gpg: Can't check signature: No public key
 Author: git <git@localhost>
 Date:   Tue Jun 28 14:53:20 2022 +0000

     signing commit

 commit ee2985fb06d83512b676937397cb7fcfb45ab03c (origin/master, master)
 Author: Daniel Mohr <daniel.mohr@dlr.de>
 Date:   Tue Jun 28 16:52:16 2022 +0200


adding large files

Adding large files to a repository should not be done using git. Please use git-annex, e. g. to add a small file small_a using git and a large file large_b using git-annex do:

git clone git+ssh://git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/foo/bar
cd bar
echo a > small_a
git add small_a
git commit -m a
git annex init
cp -p /somedata ./large_b
git annex add large_b
git commit -m b
git annex sync
git annex sync --content

creating metadata

For creating metadata we use pydabu to create a data bubble, e. g.:

git clone git+ssh://git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/foo/bar
cd bar
pydabu create_data_bubble -dir .
git add .dabu.json .dabu.schema
git commit -m 'created a data bubble'
git push

riaf landing page

If metadata are available on the default branch in the format [pydabu] uses, the server will add a landing page in the branch landing_page. It is available on the web interface dabu for public access. The landing page presents the metadata.

getting large files

Large files should not be stored directly in a git repository. Therefore we use git-annex here. So getting a repository and see the metadata and then getting a large file could be done by:

git clone git+ssh://git@riaf.playground.pa.dlr.de/foo/bar  # get repository
cd bar
git annex get large_b

known issues

  • Missing possibility to manage access on groups.